Soon it will be the holidays, and your rugs may get trampled on in the name of fun. We try our best to help you maintain the quality of your area rugs between visits, but ultimately, they need to be professionally cleaned once or twice a year.
Hi, I’m Ruthie at Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care in Prescott.
Arizona Oriental Pro’s rug cleaning process is described in detail on our site.
It’s surprising how many individuals don’t realize how much different rugs need to be cared for.
I want to discuss the significance of regularly maintaining your area rugs and the care they need.
Although area rugs are sometimes overlooked, they are just as crucial to preserving your home as the furniture and walls. Rugs on our floors have it rough due to the constant accumulation of dried soil, especially at certain times of the year.
We wipe our feet, walk on them, and sometimes our pets even have accidents. You may get more use out of your area rug by investing time and effort into maintaining it.
Remember These When Doing Prescott Valley Rug Cleaning
Vacuum regularly! Vacuuming helps to remove the dry dust that accumulates on our rugs daily.
- Quickly blotting up spills and stains can help prevent them from becoming permanent. Use a white cloth or paper towel to dab up spills, starting from the edges inward gently.
- Every two years, have your rug cleaned by a professional.
- It’s essential to clean up any accidents involving animal pee right away. Untreated animal pee in area rugs can lead to fiber dry rot due to the urine’s acidity.
- Rapidly do the necessary repairs! Your rug will continue to fall if you ignore the damage to the side cords or the fringe.
If you search for professional rug cleaning, contact Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care in Prescott or fill in the compact form here for a direct reply.
You can also check out our customer reviews from Birdeye and Yellow Pages
Call us for more information on area rug cleaning and maintenance at 928-445-1718, visit our website at, or stop by Monday through Friday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm rug washing facility at 565 EZ Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 (pickup and delivery also available). 07-14-2020
Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care serves Prescott, Prescott Valley, Sedona, Flagstaff, and much of Northern Arizona. We meet the highest standards in professional cleaning of area rugs, with rug wash specialists having earned the highest training, including certification as WOOLSAFE FIBRE CARE SPECIALISTS through the WOOLSAFE ORGANIZATION. Such extraordinary certification ensures our client’s area rugs receive the highest quality care.