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Sedona AZ Fireworks Can Be Fun, But Not For Your Pets. Tips on How to Prevent Unwanted Urine Accidents on Your Area Rugs

Sedona AZ Fireworks Can Be Fun, But Not For Your Pets. Tips on How to Prevent Unwanted Urine Accidents on Your Area Rugs.


I can almost smell the hotdogs on the BBQ!  One of the most favorite time of year for most everyone……….. everyone except our pets!  We’ve heard it many times on the news. “Protect your pets from the noise of the fireworks!”

The news always makes the strong suggestion that we bring our pets into our home before the fireworks begin. This is good common sense advice. But here at Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care in Prescott AZ I offer you the following additional advice.

I’m Ruthie and with all the excitement of entertaining your friends and family and heading out the door to get the best seat at the fireworks it’s easy to forget that bringing in our pets may not be enough! 

They have super sensitive hearing and unless you take a few extra precautions, you may come home from the fireworks to find that your nervous little pet had a pee accident on your fine wool or silk area rug. NOW THAT’S A DISASTER!

Rather than bringing the pets in and giving them free run of the home, anticipate that they will still be very nervous due to the loud firework noise.  Set them up in an area of your home, away from your area rugs. Snuggle them in with their bed, water, food and top it all off with a softly playing radio to help drown out the firework booms! This little extra precaution may possible save your lovely rugs from a permanent urine stain and nasty urine odors.

If you do find that the unthinkable accident has occurred, I urge you to call us here at Arizona Oriental and have your rug treated and professionally cleaned as soon as possible. Urine deposits left in rugs damage the delicate fibers. The sooner they are removed, the less damage that will have occurred.

All my Ruggies here at Arizona Oriental and myself wish you and your family (pets included) a very Happy, Safe Fourth of July!

Till next time, enjoy your beautiful art for your floor and remember a clean rug is a rug that can last you a lifetime!

Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care serves Sedona, Prescott Valley, Prescott, and much of the Northern Arizona areas. We meet the highest standards in professional cleaning of area rugs with rug wash specialists having earned the highest training, including certification as WOOLSAFE FIBRE CARE SPECIALISTS through the WOOLSAFE ORGANISATION. Such extraordinary certification ensures the area rugs of our client’s receive the utmost in care.

Call us for more information and a cleaning estimate at 928-445-1718, visit our website at, or stop by Monday through Friday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at our rug washing facility at 565 EZ Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 (pick-up and delivery also available).



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