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Rug Cleaning Services Prescott Valley AZ Tips for Preserving Antique Rugs

Rug Cleaning Services Prescott Valley AZ

Taking care of antique rugs the right way is crucial. You might think your rugs look great, but did you know you could make mistakes that hurt them? If these rugs could talk, imagine the stories they'd share!

Let's dive into how to keep these precious items looking their best. Here are some expert tips on preserving antique rugs from Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care in Prescott Valley, AZ.


Key Takeaways

  • To keep your antique rugs looking their best, it's crucial to store them properly and avoid cleaning mistakes.

  • Did you know a survey by the Association of Rug Care Specialists found that 80% of antique rugs lose their value because they're not cleaned or stored correctly?

  • By trusting experts like Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care with your rug cleaning, you ensure your rugs stay in top shape for many years.


Proper Rug Storage Techniques

To keep your antique rugs looking great and lasting longer, storing them the right way is crucial. Make sure they're scorched before you put them away because they might get moldy or mildewy if they're damp.

Instead of folding your rugs, which can cause them to crease and get damaged, roll them up. It's a good idea to vacuum your rugs before storing them to eliminate any dirt or bits that could attract bugs.

Also, ensure the place you store them isn't too hot or cold, as extreme temperatures aren't good for the rug fibers. By sticking to these tips on preventing moisture, rolling instead of folding, vacuuming, and keeping a check on the temperature, you'll help your antique rugs stay in top shape for a long time.


Common Antique Rug Cleaning Mistakes

When cleaning old rugs, using solid chemicals is a big mistake because they harm the delicate fibers and beautiful designs. To keep your antique rug looking great, avoid harsh cleaners, bleach, or powerful soaps. These things weaken the fibers, make the colors fade, and might even ruin the rug for good.

Another mistake is scrubbing too hard or using high-pressure cleaning, which messes up the rug's delicate fibers and changes its patterns. Instead, gently clean it by vacuuming with a soft brush attachment or lightly dabbing it with a mild soap solution.


Benefits of Professional Rug Cleaning

When you hand over your unique antique rugs to the folks at Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care, you're getting top-notch service for keeping your rugs looking great and lasting long.

These pros know how to take care of each unique rug, using safe cleaning that removes dirt, stains, and bad smells without messing up the materials or colors.

Choosing professional rug cleaning means your precious rugs get the treatment they need, keeping them beautiful and valuable for many years.

Relying on expert cleaners makes a difference in how your cherished rugs look and feel.


Get The Best Rug Cleaning Services Today!

To keep antique rugs looking great, it's essential to store them correctly and avoid cleaning mistakes. Getting help from professional rug cleaning services in Prescott Valley, AZ, like Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care, ensures your valuable rugs stay beautiful and last longer.

Did you know a survey by the Association of Rug Care Specialists found that 80% of antique rugs lose value because they're not cleaned or stored right? By trusting experts with your rug cleaning, you make sure your rugs stay in top condition for many years.

Contact us now and experience the exceptional rug cleaning services we offer in Prescott, AZ. Trust the professionals at Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care to deliver impeccable results every time.

Trust the experts at Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care to handle your rug cleaning needs in Prescott, AZ.

You can also check out our customer reviews from Birdeye and Yellow Pages.

Call us for more information on area rug vacuuming tips and tricks at 928-445-1718, visit our website at, or stop by Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at our rug washing facility at 565 EZ Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 (pickup and delivery are also available).

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