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Prescott Valley AZ – Tip of the Day for Area Rug Emergency Care

You’ve probably heard that it’s the prepared Boy Scout that survives emergencies.  You might think “that’ll never happen to me, though!” But are you really sure about that?  Here at Arizona Oriental we know rugs aren’t bullet proof, nor is there a great rug Houdini that protects your area rugs.  Life happens to all of us, including your rugs!

It is very common for area rugs to come into us here at Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care in Prescott AZ only after an accident.  Be it a wine spill, or a dinner plate being upended onto the rug, or the ever-popular pet accident, we’ve seen it all.  We pride ourselves on being the “Superman of rug cleaning” but sometimes spots do permanent damage BEFORE we ever see the rug at Arizona Oriental.  Sadly, these permanent stains could have been avoided had the homeowner taken some precautions and been proactive about it.

Rug owners should always be prepared, just like a good Boy Scout!  I recommend keeping a white cotton cloth somewhere handy for quick access whenever an unfortunate spill occurs.  For me, hiding that cloth under my sofa cushion is just about as handy as it gets!  Everyone in your home should know where this white cotton cloth is placed, so they’re also prepared to tackle spills if you aren’t home.

It’s also wise to have the proper spotter on hand.  If you have wool or silk rugs, it is extremely important that you have spotter that is safe for the wool or silk fibers.  Most spotters you can find on the general store shelf were not developed with wool and silk fibers in mind.  So, what can you do?  Give us at Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care a call.  We’re prepared for when “life happens” and we offer professional spotters in a small kit for our clients to keep on hand.  These little kits make a huge difference when it comes to success or failure when spotting.  The sooner a spot is cleaned with the proper cleaning solution, the better results you’re more likely to achieve. Minutes can make the difference in spot removal or looking at the stain forever!

Till next time, enjoy your beautiful art for your floor and remember a clean rug is a rug that can last you a lifetime!

Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care serves Prescott Valley, Prescott, Sedona and much of the Northern Arizona areas. We meet the highest standards in professional cleaning of area rugs with rug wash specialists having earned the highest training, including certification as WOOLSAFE FIBRE CARE SPECIALISTS through the WOOLSAFE ORGANISATION. Such extraordinary certification ensures the area rugs of our client’s receive the utmost in care.

Call us for additional information on Tips and Kits for wool area rug spotting at 928-445-1718, visit our website at, or stop by Monday through Friday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at our rug washing facility at 565 EZ Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 (pick-up and delivery also available).  



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Emergency Area Rug Care Tip - Prescott Valley

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Emergency Area Rug Care Tip - Prescott Valley