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Prescott Valley AZ – How Should I Vacuum My Wool Flat Weave Rug?

If you have an American Indian, Mexican, or Persian flat weave rug that you love, you certainly don’t want to let it become overly worn to the point of being thread bare or become unnecessarily fuzzy.  So you want to make sure that you take care of your flat weave rug the right way – and beyond getting it cleaned properly every 1 to 3 years, that means vacuuming it frequently.  Because your flat weave rug is thinner and more delicate than a thick, sturdy wool rug with a thicker pile, this means that you will need to take extra precautions when vacuuming your flat weave rug to make sure you don’t cause any damage while trying to take care of it.

FREQUENCY is most important to remember when it comes to vacuuming your rugs.  By frequent, I mean at least once a week if not more often.  This keeps you ahead of the game and on top of the loose, dry soil before it can accumulate and build up, which causes damage to your rug’s delicate fibers.  Dry soil is extremely abrasive – it’s hard, it’s gritty, it’s no better than taking sandpaper to your beloved rug!  And the more heavily soiled it is, the more likely your rug will have permanent damage.  Fibers can become fuzzy and appear dull or scratched and extra dirty or break off, showing the inner structure of the rug and creating that thread bare appearance.  Even if your rug is hanging on your wall rather than sitting on your floor, you should still make sure to vacuum it frequently to remove airborne dust that settles on your rug.

Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care never suggests the use an upright vacuum with a beater bar.  This type of vacuum is too aggressive against wool fibers of a flate weave area rug and are not designed for this style of rug.  It’s better if you use an upright canister vacuum that has no beater bar.  This way, you get the suction you need to lift up the dry soil while still being gentle to your rug’s fibers.  Go from side to side along the width of the rug, taking care around the fringes that may be on the ends and the side cords.  You can also use the vacuum upholstery attachment so that you have more control – however that may take extra time that you don’t necessarily have.  Another good tool is an electric sweeper.

Remember – you want to treat wool flat weave rugs with care, which means that you have to be wary of the suction power of your vacuum.  If suction is too strong, it can cause the fibers to become fuzzy and lose their nice fluffiness.  For a delicate rug fiber, try a soft brush that will give you control over your dusting and help to prevent the soft wool fibers from becoming fuzzy and dull on your rug.  These are gentle on the rug fibers and will achieve the results you want to keep that tricky dry soil off of your rug.

To make sure that your flat weave area rug can be enjoyed for years to come, you should always have it cleaned PROFESSIONALLY at least every 1 to 3 years.  You should never let dry soil accumulate on your rugs to the point that they become damaged or extremely dirty looking.  Give us a call at Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care where we can offer you a free estimate to get your cherished rug cleaned and look its best for your floor or for your walls.

Till next time, enjoy your beautiful art for your floor and remember a clean rug is a rug that can last you a lifetime!

Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care serves Prescott Valley, Prescott, Sedona and much of the Northern Arizona areas. We meet the highest standards in professional cleaning of area rugs with rug wash specialists having earned the highest training, including certification as WOOLSAFE FIBRE CARE SPECIALISTS through the WOOLSAFE ORGANISATION. Such extraordinary certification ensures the area rugs of our client’s receive the utmost in care.

Call us if you have any further questions about how to vacuum a flat weave wool area rug in Prescott Valley AZ, AZ at 928-445-1718, visit our website at, or stop by Monday through Friday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at our rug washing facility at 565 EZ Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 (pick-up and delivery also available). 


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Prescott Valley AZ – How Should I Vacuum My Wool Flat Weave Rug?