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Prescott Rug Cleaner. How to Store Area Rugs Correctly

As the year progresses, store your rug not to be damaged by muddy boots or dirty dog paws. I understand that not everyone wants to preserve their rugs for an extended amount of time. Life continues, and it has become a necessity.

Hi there! It’s Ruthie with Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care coming from Prescott, AZ. Do you ever consider putting your rugs away for the winter?

Perhaps you’re downsizing and haven’t found the right spot for your rug yet, or you’re switching rugs for the colder months. Whatever the case may be, you should be confident in your ability to store your rugs properly.

From an area rug cleaning company in Prescott, AZ here’s more on what you should and shouldn’t do.


Prescott, AZ Professional Rug Cleaner Says DON’T Do This

Never Fold Area Rugs: You should fold no area mats, especially if you plan on storing them for a long time. Folding the rug puts it under more stress and wears off the fibers. When you take your rug out of storage, it weakens and may break.

Never Store Dirty Rugs. Before storing your rugs, get them professionally cleaned by an oriental rug cleaning business. Any spills or crumbs will be eliminated, and you’ll be preventing moths and insects from making a home within.

Moths can lay eggs, and when the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the fibers.

Never Leave Rugs Uncovered: Unprotected rugs left out in the open invite rats, insects, and humidity to ruin them. Aside from that, it would help if you didn’t wrap them in plastic because any suggestion of dampness can cause them being covered in mold and mildew.


Correct Oriental Rug Cleaner Storage Tips

Hire a professional to clean them, such as Arizona Oriental! We can clean the filth out of your area rug and any animal urine spills that may have happened.

Make sure you’re using moth treatment rather than mothballs. Moths require particular treatment, which we can give to Arizona Oriental. After a deep cleaning, we conduct this as a last step.

Finally, we can pack your rugs for you, another specialized operation we can perform to help you care for them. The difference between a professionally rolled and wrapped rug and one that isn’t can be professional.

If you search for professional rug cleaning, you can contact Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care in Prescott or fill in the compact form here for a direct reply.

You can also check out our customer reviews from Birdeye and Yellow Pages


Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care serves Prescott, Prescott Valley, Sedona, Flagstaff, and many Northern Arizona areas. We meet the highest standards in professional cleaning area rugs with rug wash specialists having earned the highest training, including WOOL SAFE FIBRE CARE SPECIALISTS certification through the WOOL SAFE ORGANISATION.  Such extraordinary certification ensures our client’s area rugs receive the highest quality care.

Call us for more information on area rug storage tips and tricks at 928-445-1718, visit our website at, or stop by Monday through Friday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at our rug washing facility at 565 EZ Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 (pickup and delivery also available). 07-14-2020

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