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Preparing an Emergency Evacuation Kit - Prescott AZ

If a Disaster Happens Here In Prescott or Prescott Valley AZ Will You Be Prepared?

Here's Tips On Getting an Emergency Backpack Ready Beforehand That Just Might Save Your Life!

Hi, I’m Ruthie with Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care in Prescott AZ and this past weekend I took a little time to visit the Community Preparedness Fair held at the Prescott Valley Event Center. While this has little to do with area rug cleaning, I do think it’s important for each of us to have a plan, prepared ahead of time, that will allow us to better navigate through an emergency situation. Hopefully none of us will ever need to resort to using an emergency kit, but peace of mind in knowing that you have readied your family for that “just in case” moment is worth the time and money to put together an emergency backpack.

Dave Hamill was one of the demonstrators at the Community Preparedness Fair and was kind enough to share this video with some basic tips. His tips here encourages folks to:

    Think ahead, long before an emergency arises so that in the moment of the emergency    

             evacuation you won’t have to think about what you need

Have a packed emergency backpack ready to go

WATCH THIS SHORT VIDEO: Take a moment to listen to Dave’s advice, you’ll be glad you did.

Additionally, here is a list of the items you’ll want to have ready to go at a moment’s notice:

Water (1 gallon per day per person) A personal water purifier to purify most any water, making it drinkable in emergencies.  (Check out Sawyer Mini Water Filtration or Seychelle Water Filtration, both available on line) Ready to eat meals – Doesn’t have to be fancy, one idea are the groceries stores ready to eat tuna packets that are easy to store. Peanut butter, trail mix, crackers. Snacks for the kids. Baby formula for infants. Blanket Water proof rain gear – inexpensive plastic raincoats are available in outdoor shops and camping stores Sleeping bags Toilet paper Flash Lights – Extra Batteries or the wind up flashlights that don’t need batteries Matches – a way to start a fire to stay warm and cook. Preferred is to have 3 different ways to start a fire in case one or two of the ways fails. (Like wet matches – so put matches in waterproof containers) A list of current medications and doctor contact information Don’t forget to grab your medication Copies of important documents – Birth Certificate, marriage license, social security cards Emergency contact list and phone numbers / phone numbers of places you could go

FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: or call 817-272-0117

I sincerely hope you find this information informative and useful. And remember… NOW IS THE TIME TO THINK AND PLAN AHEAD FOR AN EMERGENCY!

If you would like to speak to me, you can reach me, Ruthie, at  928-445-1718, visit our website at, or stop by Monday through Friday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at our rug washing facility at 565 EZ Street, Prescott, AZ 86301


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Preparing for an emergency